Better than second hand

You have doubts about buying second-hand because:

  • You have a poor vision second hand? (Dirty, worn, outdated...)
  • Or you had a unpleasant experience on online sales platforms? (Misleading description, package never sent...)

And you don't have more confidence?

We understand you!

This is why OFF-Women is entirely transparent with you, we promise you products of qualities , authentic, fashionable and sustainable over time thanks to a selection of branded products.

How do we do it?

We are fans of slow fashion , we don't buy anything in bulk! Our items are carefully selected one by one then reconditioned that's to say renovated .

The process of repackaging items

In addition to being quality and branded items, our products are restored to the maximum. The clothes are first disinfected with steam at more than 150°C to eliminate bacteria and parasites, then they are machine washed and redisinfected with an antibacterial product. During this process the parts are detached and rewhitened to restore their colors. Then we move on to repairs if necessary (sewn, unpilled). Finally, comes the ironing stage. The items are then stored on hangers with moth protection (no unpleasant surprises!)

Why choose slow fashion over fast fashion?

It's a consumption fashion environmentally friendly that is to say that you are making a huge gesture for our planet! For example, purchasing second-hand clothing avoids the emission of 56kg of CO2. and it's more economic !

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Why choose second hand


Delivery to a relay point is much more ecological

Why the choice of prestigious brands: Lacoste and Ralph Lauren

Fast fashion and working conditions

Fast fashion is destroying our planet

About our prices

No bedbugs at Offwomen

Learn more about Offwomen

Learn more about our biodegradable pouches

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